Why do nice guys finish last?? Well… It’s because you’re boring.
I’m just saying what most women are
afraid to say. I hate to say this but it’s
true. I just want to help you extra nice guys out there. My guess is that all you nice guys asking “why do
nice guys finish last?” “why is she with that asshole?” “What does he have that
I don’t?” I bet you have been friend
zoned by all of your female “friends” or rather all the girls you secretly wish
you could hook up with. I feel it’s very
important to share this with guys as I have so many guy friends who don’t even
realize they have been friend zoned by women let alone why. They will
constantly pursue and never get anywhere.
I mean this is pretty much a primal thing here. Women like to feel
protected, safe, and secure. She wants to have excitement and adventure in her
life. If you’re too nice you come across as weak. Let me make it clear though women are all for nice
men but with spice and manliness there. Being kind and generous is far different than
being overly nice and accommodating to every situation with no backbone. This is especially true for women who are
strong and independent. Strong and independent women are strong and fiery most
of the times in their life and your lack of having a take charge attitude makes her feel like she is not in an equal partnership. That she is the dominant one all the time. She
wants to be in charge sometimes but a man needs to know when it’s time for him
to take charge. Also there is this
underlying fear that accompanying your niceness and your lack of ability to be
dominant that you would not be a great partner sexually. That’s
just real. Guys I am not telling you to
change who you are nor should you. I am just giving you some insight to what a
lot of women feel. Use that to your advantage or not. That’s your choice.