Thursday, January 17, 2013

Feels Like There Is More To Manti Te'o's Story

If you've been following the details of this Manti Te'o story you would know that he supposedly met a girl online whom he developed a relationship with and fell in love. This girl apparently was sick with cancer and passed away. At the same time of his girlfriends passing his Grandmother also passed away. This was a very trying time in his life. This past December he received a call from his Girlfriend who passed away. Apparently she is not dead or didn't exist at all. I think everyone is unclear still on the exact truth. There are NFL players who claim to have met this girl that we don't know for sure exists. Now this is being called a hoax. She didn't really exist. It's extremely difficult to understand or get correct facts in this odd story because it is all over the place. One thing for sure is it's not really about sports.

I am sure we are all really struggling to understand the truth or what really happened but I want to know why this is on ESPN? Why is this sports news? If she called in December why are we talking about this now in the latter part of January? Why is ND holding press conferences about a players personal drama? I can understand if he did something wrong himself and the Coaches would need to address his personal behavior and actions but this wasn't about anything he did at all. I am not sold on this being completely contrite. Obviously this now has given him instant national fame and exposure. If he was embarrassed like he so says why say anything at all? How does him saying anything to ND change a thing or help him? I really do want to understand the story and what really happened. I believe there is some truth to some of the story but I question the motives for saying anything.  People make choices. I am sure he thought about his options before saying anything. What would make you lean towards saying something to your team?

What do you think? Is he genuine and telling the complete truth or is there more to the story??

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