Monday, November 19, 2012

Black Friday on Thanksgiving Night? Ridiculous

Can corporate America care even less about their employees? Clearly that answer is yes. After years and years of Americans shopping early on black Friday giant reatailers like Walmart and Target want to open their doors on Thursday night to the shoppers eager to save a few bucks. Why has it come to this? What was so wrong with early morning deals for Friday. The last few years some stores have opened at midnight and I thought that was excessive. Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks and spending time with loved ones. Why would you cut into one of the only holidays these people get to spend freely with their families? Is Christmas next? Where do we draw the line? 

Clearly the answer is money. Why else would they close their doors for less time. They are like wolves eager to take your money at the expense of in their eyes "the sheep". Do you think any of the CEO's of Target or Walmart will be working on Thursday night? I'm willing to bet they will be all cozied up in their awesome houses with their families and friends amongst other things one would be grateful for on Thanksgiving.   

^ 10 pm stores open. Good luck parking!                                               

Let's all be honest here cooking on Thanksgiving is exhausting. Lot's of work and cleaning to do. If you're a family with kids running around to other family members houses etc just to spend some time it will tire you out by the end of the day. People deserve some time for their selves. People can wait to shop and employees can wait to work. Period. Corporate greed is getting out of control. 

I fully support all retail employees who refuse to work on this night! To all the shoppers ask yourself this, will the crowds and hassle just to save a few bucks be worth the strife? How would you feel if you had to work on a holiday you usually have off? Support  your fellow Americans and help protect them from future corporate greed. Do not shop Thanksgiving night. I refuse to buy anything on Black Friday. I'm so disgusted with some of these retailers whose ideas are simply that people are cogs and not real people. They are NOT just a number. These are peoples with families and real feelings and emotions. Let's not desensitize ourselves so much where this stuff becomes unimportant!

Bitter Dallas Cowboy Fan

I've been a Dallas Cowboy fan since pretty much birth. I remember their glory days in the 90's when I was a little girl. Those are times clearly long past. Funnily enough people will still say "you're a bandwagon fan" which is odd. Why would I bandwagon fan a team that has won only one play off game in what like 15 years-ish? Truth is my Dad was born and raised in Texas so as a little girl I would always watch football with my Dad and the rest of my family.

There is no season that excites me more than football season but the last few years I've become very bitter towards my favorite team.  For the last 6 years at least I've watched a team that has had and still has an immense amount of talent yet EVERY year it's the same thing. They can not win consistently. There are games when Tony Romo and the bunch look like a Super Bowl winning team but literally in that same game it could all end terribly by not playing with consistency.  They don't play with consistency and most importantly they are not playing with conviction. Every year they are a highly penalized team and consistently have several turnovers (I'm talking to you Tony Romo.. and not just turnovers but you love to throw pick 6's).

I will hear people praise Romo and how his numbers are great stat wise and while I am now very nuetral with my support towards him as my patience  is running extremely thin I always remind them, It doesn't matter what his regular season stats are. His stats can be better than a Troy Aikman all day long but there is one important stat everyone is forgetting. 3 Rings baby. Not 1.. not 2.. but 3!   Tony has had many chances to take us to the next level. Yes it is a team game but he has talent around him. Single handedly (seattle playoff game a few years back when he botched the snap) he lost that game for us. I'm thinking it's time to start thinking about drafting a long term QB who is going to take us to that next level of play. I have a feeling that Tony would probably excel on another team. A team that isn't as high profile as the Dallas Cowboys.  If you disagree, tell me why you think the Dallas Cowboys should stick with Tony Romo?

Yesterday the Cowboys beat the Cleveland Browns (barely at that) and that is supposed impress me as a fan? Is this supposed to mean we have a good shot at "making a comeback" to win the NFC East.  Some of these announcers need to call it like it really is.  Come on Cowboys you're supposed to beat the Browns (Sorry Browns fans). Don't act like this is a meaningful victory. Yes every victory counts but not if you can't beat the teams that matter. The teams you will have to beat in the playoffs. The best win we've had this year is opening game against the Giants. Bottom line is I am NOT impressed. I want to see that talent pulled together and I want to see that winning spirit.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Absurd Waiting Times To Vote! 3 and a Half Hours To Cast My Ballot!

I've voted in past presidential elections and it's never taken 3 and half hours to vote. Aren't these new snazzy machines meant to make this system more efficient? How is it possible that there are 10 machines with 3 not working and only 2 people checking names on their small little laptops with thousands of people in line? I've done my fair share of asking around and not everyone is waiting that long. I did have someone tell me 4 hours and 2 other people say an hour and a half. 

I'd really like to see the demographic information for areas and there corresponding wait times in their polling facilities.  so that I can see which areas had the longest waiting times. People in my line had to leave because they couldn't be late for work. Who realistically plans a block of 3 and a half hours of time to vote? 98 percent of the people in my line to vote were middle to low income families and the majority African American. Could just be sheer happenstance that my area just so happened to have  terrible voting procedures but who really knows? So I ask all of you how long did it take you to vote and what is your demographic area like?