Monday, January 28, 2013

Should The Boy Scouts Lift Ban On Gays?

In 2000 The Boy Scouts won a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court ruling allowing the organization to ban gays. Over the last few years there has been an increase of activists supporting the lifting of the ban. Should the Boy Scouts lift their ban on gays? In my opinion yes. Absolutely. I mean what was the mentality when banning these children in the first place? "Let's not have gays around our normal non gay kids so that the non gays kids don't become infected with gayness?" I mean really what exactly would be a valid reason for banning them in the first place? They are children not terrorists.

Aside from how terribly exclusive The Boy Scouts have been to gays and how that has affected millions of gay youth I think we can all agree that we do not want to send our children the message that it's okay to exclude someone based on their sexual preference. Their sexual preference does not make them any less human. Their sexual preference has no bearing on whether or not they are capable of saving lives. They are human beings that have a sexual preference not animals. There are kids out there who are gay and who want to be in the boy scouts to learn and experience exactly what their non gay friends get to experience.The Boys Scouts has the ability to teach all children valuable things.  The knowledge these kids can take from this can save the life of someone else or themselves one day. Why would we not allow gay children to join and learn. Do we want to discourage learning? Is that the message we want to send out. "Gay children you are not worthy to learn"  Let's encourage learning to all our young youth. The Boy Scouts should be thinking the same way. They should want to expand the minds of all children. I guarantee if a man saved your life one day from something he learned in The Boy Scouts you would be grateful to him and The Boy Scouts and once you learned he was Gay you would be grateful you supported the lifting of such a ridiculous ban.

Come on Boy Scouts do the right thing here. What do you think The Boy Scouts should do?

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